If the taxi fails a Warrant of Fitness, should the passenger pay for repairs? Would the landlord pass on the Warrant of Fitness fee to the tenant remains at least uncertain in the tenants mind. But the landlord's responsibilities and tenancy standards are already established in the Residential Tenancy Act 1986. It's the interpretation of wear and tear and damage that needs to be verified.
I know some tenants have been paying for total redecorations when the repair state of tenancy wasn't their fault. It reflects an unequal share of power at the Tribunal where the tenant needs to be fully informed or at least supported in representation.
The tenancy Warrant of Fitness is more like a socialist attachment to prop the infrastructure of an administration at the expense of confusing the tenant.
And on the topic of socialist attachments, the slowdown in retail and consumer market indicates the Housing Market is about to ignite an economic spiral. The best place to study this correlation right now is at Johnsonville Mall.
Observation from Johnsonville Mall traces a correlation to the source.
So here's suggesting the next government to delay all spending and instead concentrate on the current generation shift in terms of the economy. The economic foundation urgently needs to modernise, upgrade and therefore expand to align with the paradigm.
The transition in between times is wholly captured by awareness of time overlapping the old. Modernisation is evaluation of the new in place of the old. As Johnsonville holds its historic outlook, the new tenants hold modern diverse values. As you may see, the shift is transported by an old vehicle is liken to time travelling on a push bike!
The place proves the existence of a diverse population. But those making any active consumerism are over represented by the older generation, those who have retired. These folks visit the mall as a social place more than a trading market. It's a welcoming site for grandparents accompanied by grandchildren maintaining a community feeling of the area.
However commercially, every day in the Mall is slow and a drag. It is time to present the new according to its time and generation.
In keeping with the trend, big chain stores are foreign owned and are independent of the mall. Their stock represents a bulk of imports that are somewhat cheaper than locally made.
Special international brands seemed out of place in a suburb that is slowing to a static state as some shops have closed up and left. There is no consumer population to generate business. The older generation look for familiar products that are downgraded or obsolete; the young generation can't find products of their interests.
Why is a diverse sector failing its market points to housing. The price of housing including rent is on the top end of the market. It is near impossible for a family with children to afford accommodation in the neighbourhood.
Shops in the Mall also have to pay a rent. And if these shops are not turning any profit then they simply can't pay the rent. The static state of affairs is due to the lack of a consumer population.
The lack of consumer population is due to the high price of housing including rent. Clearly, the housing market is now an obstacle to retail businesses. And when there is no consumer population, business can't afford to hire. That's when a slowdown comes to a halt and Johnsonville is a deserted area.
Another competitor to the Mall is Internet shopping. Maybe the Mall should also make an Internet appearance in the area to attract the younger population. I know some shops have online shopping alternatives which are modern market requirement.
Now, to avoid this spiral, we need an urgent but balance immigration not only into Johnsonville but also to similar places like in the north. But in order to accommodate such a population, the price of housing must come down.
The commercial value of property may calculate its historic establishment, but in the area of retail market is probably unviable. And this is also true of a generation gap in economic terms. The now of the economy is making sense of the current diverse generation.
Therefore, Johnsonville like other struggling suburbs needs to modernise and expand. Since suburbs make up the bulk of the economy, the whole economy therefore needs to upgrade its suburban foundation. This should prioritise housing and immigration.
On the social and political front, it looks like the spiral is inevitable should we trust recent polling in the area. The leading candidate favoured according to the polls is a new entry to parliament. He was the head of the Police department, but I'm not sure of his ability to organise social and economic developments.
Labour's family benefits may do well for landlords when rents and mortgages take a good portion of a family's income. Other social monetary benefits do not help avoid the spiral in the foundation.
The next favoured in the area is a National representative. Now we know that National is a business party but hadn't represented the Johnsonville area in recent history. And we know the business community may back developments in the area directly or by public partnership.
Should a National candidate wins the Johnsonville electorate that the spiral may be avoided but sooner rather than later.
Considering that the young generation identified with a Labour's modern leadership change, the last thing they expect is non modernisation of the same old issues. Labour urgently needs to change its policies from socialist establishment to tangible modern production. I would expect this generation standard to at least boast about L3-L5 Computer skills.
Finally, the old guards have done a great job banning New Zealanders from upward mobility while leaving the gate wide open for foreign ownership.