If you borrow some money to buy a house and someone buys your debt package at a slightly higher cost than the debt itself, and that someone uses the debt to form a capital base for further borrowing at a slightly higher cost; that's three layers of abstracts. But the bubble is stretched by further layers of interests beyond reality…. Having higher interest rates at this unreality is a real risk threatening to bust as we have witnessed in 2008.

So we have learned that to stabilise is to lower the level of interest rates even down to zero and beyond. As long as people are borrowing to buy mortgages, the cost of housing is inflated by layers of debts and their extended interests. It's a bubble boom for the monetary market.

A symbiotic relationship develops when debt repayments start to solidify the abstract; interest rates gradually increase as the cost of housing gradually falls. So the housing boom is not so much of a hype as much as a monetary abstract.

However, if a second wave of covid-19 causes a lockdown and in turn income; without security the first layer collapses followed by the second and third. While you lose your house, the debt is still attached to you.

Who are buying your debt or is the bank making money out of nothing? Does it explain the high return of business profit during times of volatility? So now we know that financial businesses make their money during volatile times. Even politicians invest on the housing market and contribute to the fate of the homeless.

It is crucial for business to safeguard the spread of covid-19 to ensure the free flow of consumer activities and business transactions. It is also essential to prop up consumer income providing economic stimuli. In that mode, the term recovery best describes the reality.

Having said that, it just shows how much of business and consumer reality is dictated by open abstracts. Algorithms now tap into the unreal for the purpose of profit. And a good portion of our reality is depended on the subjective of the material. This is a dark world, nobody is certain about anything as we depend on the machine.

Unfortunately, cybercrime among criminals are ahead of the curve. Human plays catch up but to follow the subjective material lead. The machine is now leading businesses, and humans have no choice but to follow. Well, when power failures, defects and malwares strike, we become absolutely helpless.

Remember the 'a priori and the a postiori'; well we can bring the a priori into being. It might be too little too late for the horse has bolted, but in hindsight of a postiori, we can still attempt to counter the subjective development.

The application of values and purposes is a movement from instincts of feelings and senses to the mind. It is transcendence of the material into being.

So, what do we do when we arrive at the end of the line? We start to think. Transcendence is moving upward and onwards. Intuition is doing what's right in a given circumstance without much thinking. We could get caught up in a religious vs atheist argument or we could simply close our eyes and say 'ohm' repeatedly….

However, there's a good chance that if you were a trusting and reliable person, you are more than likely that you will end up with a practical decision. It's in your DNA. So to bring about a material subjective entity into being is to just be yourself.

If you place a businessman to make decisions, he is likely to aim at making a profit. Of course, the dark world of the subjective material is his realm. And the chances are, you won't be able to climb upward and forward. You are likely to die there.

The a priori is referred to a principle in here but also subjective. To place someone who is familiar with human values and purpose to make decisions is likely to bring about the subjective principle into being.

Now, the businessman programmes an algorithm tapping into the dark unknown to collect data for the purpose of making profits. In the same way, the algorithm taps into the dark unknown to collect data for the purpose of principles. All we have to do now is replace the businessman with someone who is familiar with human values and purpose. And social relations of developments are devoid of abnormal consequences. That means we are out of the dark and into the open with certainty, stability and sustainability.

With social demands of Climate Change, Inequity, Energy and Refugee, Sustainability is the magic word. It is difficult for a business person to slow down in a green environment, and probably impossible to make social decisions without exploitation.

Technology is a powerful tool, but criminals are more advanced than society. So, technology is an infrastructure that has to have powerful fast computers to attempt at staying ahead of crime.

Dont drop your guard, covid-19 is hanging around †